Well it happened. We were finally able to have our Winterfest party 2020 that turned into Fallfest 2021. The virus messed up our plans for a while actually rescheduling this party 4 times.
So on September 11th the party went off without a hitch. There were a little over 100 people in attendance. We started at 5:30 with socializing with friends that in some cases had not seen for 2 years. Dinner was at 7:00 with raffle prizes being drawn during that time. Program started about 8:30. We did have a surprise that night with honoring a very special friend John Gastman with his sorta retirement. Anyone that knows John knows he will never fully retire.We had some updates and a great video from past events played during the evening and everyone was so glad to be able to get together and have a great time. The evening ended at about 11:00. We made an announcement that in 2022 we will be back on schedule with our yearly party and it's scheduled for April 9, 2022 at the same venue Marriott in Schaumburg. Watch the website and your email for updates and we will see everyone in April.