Fabyan Villa Museum and Cantigny Park – May 20, 2023
First cruise of 2023 was a hit with everyone! Our first cruise had 35 members attending with 15 Vipers as well. We all met at the Fabyan Villa Museum and toured the Frank Lloyd Wright home. As always, the FLW homes and the history it holds are amazing! It was situated on a little hill overlooking the Japanese gardens with a view of the Fox River and their Windmill. After touring through the homes, we walked around the Japanese garden to view many plants and trees and small statues. We walked across the river on a wooden bridge and over to the Windmill and took a few pics as well.
After our visit of the Villa, we headed to Cantigny Park and Military Museum. We watched a short video onColonel Robert R. McCormick and learned of all of his accomplishments and viewed the giant floor map to reflect the Cantigny estate of which it is very large. We walked through various gardens and rock gardens, even had an idea garden, and viewed Colonel McCormick’s estate house from the outside. It looked very lovely but we were not allowed in. Then we headed over to the First Division’s military museum. There were various tanks on display outside the museum and inside, we learned about the military history of the 1st Infantry Division.After a great day of walking I’m sure over 7-8 thousand steps, we headed off to dinner at Cooper’sCorner. About half of the group had other plans for the evening but those that stayed had a great time sharing stories and talking about our favorite subject, the Viper.It was a really nice day out in two wonderful parks with our Viper friends! Hope to see everyone on the next cruise day!
Thanks to Bonnie Buckman and Carly Schutte, for the photos and Tim Nolan for the drone photo..