After the washout from RPM in Iowa due to it being under water, we were able to secure a track day at Autobahn to replace the RPM event.
It started out with folks arriving around 7:00 a.m. to sign in and get prepped for the day. The drivers meeting was at 8:00 with the track going hot about 8:30. We were running with Laps for this event and we had about 14 drivers. Started out slow due to the track being wet in several places. We had a few extra off track excursions but no damage or anyone hurt just a fews cars with some mud and dirt on them. The times were a bit slower due to the somewhat limited speed due to wetness but everyone was able to get on the track and enjoy some track time. It did decide to rain again causing the track to be completely wet which was a problem for many. Several of our folks were running slicks and they do not do well when they are wet so track time was shortened. there were some running street tires that ventured out some in the rain but most decided to sit the rain out. We did break for lunch for a hour hoping the rain would be done and it did for a while. Sun came out sky was blue for a little while so folks were able to get in some more track time. However it was short lived and the sky got dark, people started getting loaded up and the rain let loose pouring for a while. We ended the day and folks headed home with a few hanging around for a couple drinks in the club house. It still was a great day to hang out with fellow viper guys.